Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Grilled Cabbage Wedges with Spicy Lime Dressing

I love when I don't know what I'm going to make for dinner and I don't want to go to the store, but somehow (once in a blue moon) a meal magically comes together from what I have floating around in my fridge and ends up being delicious.  This was the case the other night and these grilled cabbage wedges may have been the highlight of the meal (my 5 year old may beg to differ).

Grilled Cabbage Wedges with Spicy Lime Dressing

1/4 cup fresh lime juice
1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil
1 teaspoon fish sauce
2 garlic cloves
1/4 cup cilantro leaves
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon cayenne
1/2 teaspoon sugar
1 head of cabbage (I used half of head of green and half a head of purple)
Canola oil

Preheat grill.

In the bowl of a food processor or blender combine the lime juice, olive oil, fish sauce, garlic, cilantro, salt, cayenne and sugar and pulse or blend until the sauce is pale orange color in color.  Set aside.

Remove the loosest, toughest outer leaves from the cabbage; cut into 8 evenly sized wedges.  Do not remove the stalk or inner core.  Lightly brush the wedges with canola oil.

Place the wedges on the grill and cover.  Cook for 5 to 7 minutes or until the edges of each layer are blackened and the cabbage is beginning to soften.  Flip each wedge over, cover the grill, and cook for an additional 5 to 7 minutes on the other side.  Remove the cabbage when it is beginning to wilt, but is still firm in the middle.  If necessary, turn the heat down or move the wedges to a cooler part of the grill so they don't burn.  Don't be afraid of the blackened edges; you want a lot of grill and char marks on the cabbage.
Take the cabbage off the grill and place on a serving plate.  Pour the dressing over the top of the cabbage and serve immediately with wedges of lime.

Recipe from The Kitchn


  1. We’ve featured your recipe in our Mother’s Day Meal Ideas article! View your feature here:

  2. Thank you for featuring the grilled cabbage recipe in your Mother's Day Meal Ideas article. I really loved this recipe and will making it many more times this summer!

  3. Hi Breanna,

    Sophia from, here. I'm writing because I'm interested in including this recipe in an upcoming recipe roundup series. We would not be publishing the recipe itself, but would love to feature one of the photos along with the title of the recipe and a link (so our readers would follow through to your blog to get the actual recipe). Just wanted to touch base with you before taking the photo to use! Would this usage be okay?

    Thanks for your time, and please contact me at if you have any questions!


  4. Just made it tonight! We LOVED it!

  5. Is the fish sauce needed? I have never used it before and am worried to since my bf is highly allergic to shellfish. Is there a sub we could use?

    1. I think it would be perfectly fine without the fish sauce. The fish sauce just adds another element of salt. Just taste your dressing and adjust seasonings is needed. Hope that helps!!

    2. There are LOTS of fish sauce brands which have no shellfish. My husband is deathly allergic to shellfish and I feed him stuff with fish sauce on a very regular basis. Just read the ingredients. But beware, some brands are UNBELIEVABLY salty. It took a few tries to get the right one for us. It's called "Lucky" and we get it at a local Asian mart. Still, when you use it, start with about 1/2 of what the ingredient calls for and then you can decide if you need more...and do NOT under any circumstances, just taste the sauce alone. LOL!!! I don't advise smelling it up close either, but it IS delicious when used properly and there is no substitute. Good luck.

    3. *what the recipe (not ingredient - derp) calls for...

  6. Looks STUNNING!!!
    I will be making this, AWESOME sounding recipe!
    Thank You!

  7. I don't have a grill - do you think I could pull this off under a broiler? Also want to try w radiccio!

  8. I made this on my Big Green Egg and it was delicious! I would suggest to others using the BGE to make sure that the grill is maintained at least at 425°F before you put the cabbage on, or 450°F if you like. Thanks for the wonderful recipe, Breanna!

  9. Does this necessarily need to be cooked on a grill? How do you think this would turn out cooked in an oven?

  10. my only critique -- the sauce doesn't become pale orange because you say to blend the cilantro into the sauce. in your photo, you must've stirred in the cilantro after blending. my sauce came out green, but still delicious! we had a cabbage from our farm share program and don't usually love it. this recipe is a keeper!

  11. Its beautiful ...eye catchy and healthy

  12. Everything looks great! I love grilling, it add so much flavor!

  13. wow, so yummy grilled cabbage wedges. this one is totally new for me. thank you ! :)

  14. I love this recipe. I used it on my Seder table and it was a big hit. Accidentally roasted the cabbage rather than grilling, though; I was so caught up in the ingredients that I missed the cooking method.

  15. Hi Breanna! I work with and am currently working on a roundup of healthy cookout recipes. We'd love to include your cabbage wedges! Would you give us permission to do so? If so, you can email me at Thanks!

  16. This is really a good article,
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  17. Thanks for this helpful and kind article about spices.

  18. Could u do this in the oven? Thanks

  19. This is my all time favorite recipe, thanks for sharing. Keep sharing.
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  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Thanks for sharing such beautiful information with us. I hope you will share some more information about cabbage juice. Please keep sharing.
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